



Redis server 和一个客户端建立连接后,会在事件驱动框架中注册可读事件——客户端的命令请求。命令处理对应 4 个阶段:

  • 命令读取:对应 readQueryFromClient 函数
  • 命令解析:对应 processInputBuffer 函数
  • 命令执行:对应 processCommand 函数
  • 结果返回:对应 addReply 函数


readQueryFromClient 函数在之前的文章中分析过,主要流程就是:

  1. 调用 connRead 函数读取命令
  2. 将命令追加到同步缓冲区,修改同步偏移量
  3. 调用 processInputBuffer 函数进行命令解析
void readQueryFromClient(connection *conn) {
    // 从 connection 结构中获取客户端
    client *c = connGetPrivateData(conn);
    nread = connRead(c->conn, c->querybuf+qblen, readlen);

    /* There is more data in the client input buffer, continue parsing it
     * in case to check if there is a full command to execute. */


  • processInputBuffer 函数会调用 - processCommandAndResetClient 函数,其中又会调用 processCommand 函数。
void processInputBuffer(client *c) {

    while(c->qb_pos < sdslen(c->querybuf)) {

        // 根据客户端输入缓冲区的命令开头字符判断命令类型
        if (!c->reqtype) {
            // 符合 RESP 协议的命令
            if (c->querybuf[c->qb_pos] == '*') {
                c->reqtype = PROTO_REQ_MULTIBULK;
            } else {
                // 管道类型命令
                c->reqtype = PROTO_REQ_INLINE;

        // 对于管道类型命令,调用 processInlineBuffer 函数解析
        if (c->reqtype == PROTO_REQ_INLINE) {
            if (processInlineBuffer(c) != C_OK) break;
        // 对于 RESP 协议命令,调用 processMultibulkBuffer 函数解析
        } else if (c->reqtype == PROTO_REQ_MULTIBULK) {
            if (processMultibulkBuffer(c) != C_OK) break;

        if (c->argc == 0) {
        } else {

            // 可以开始执行命令了
            if (processCommandAndResetClient(c) == C_ERR) {
int processCommandAndResetClient(client *c) {
    int deadclient = 0;
    client *old_client = server.current_client;
    server.current_client = c;
    if (processCommand(c) == C_OK) {
    if (server.current_client == NULL) deadclient = 1;
     * Restore the old client, this is needed because when a script
     * times out, we will get into this code from processEventsWhileBlocked.
     * Which will cause to set the server.current_client. If not restored
     * we will return 1 to our caller which will falsely indicate the client
     * is dead and will stop reading from its buffer.
    server.current_client = old_client;
    /* performEvictions may flush slave output buffers. This may
     * result in a slave, that may be the active client, to be
     * freed. */
    return deadclient ? C_ERR : C_OK;


processCommand 函数是在 server.c 文件中实现的:

  • 调用 moduleCallCommandFilters 函数,将 Redis 命令替换成 module 想要替换的命令
  • 当前命令是否为 quit 命令,并进行相应处理
  • 调用 lookupCommand 函数,在全局变量 server 的 commands 成员变量中查找相关命令

commands 是一个哈希表:

struct redisServer {
   dict *commands; 

其是在 initServerConfig 函数中初始化的:

void initServerConfig(void) {
    server.commands = dictCreate(&commandTableDictType,NULL);

populateCommandTable 函数中使用了 redisCommandTable 数组:

void populateCommandTable(void) {
    int j;
    int numcommands = sizeof(redisCommandTable)/sizeof(struct redisCommand);

    for (j = 0; j < numcommands; j++) {
        struct redisCommand *c = redisCommandTable+j;
        int retval1, retval2;

        /* Translate the command string flags description into an actual
         * set of flags. */
        if (populateCommandTableParseFlags(c,c->sflags) == C_ERR)
            serverPanic("Unsupported command flag");

        c->id = ACLGetCommandID(c->name); /* Assign the ID used for ACL. */
        retval1 = dictAdd(server.commands, sdsnew(c->name), c);
        /* Populate an additional dictionary that will be unaffected
         * by rename-command statements in redis.conf. */
        retval2 = dictAdd(server.orig_commands, sdsnew(c->name), c);
        serverAssert(retval1 == DICT_OK && retval2 == DICT_OK);

redisCommandTable 数组是在 server.c 中定义的,记录了当前命令所对应的实现函数。具体见:https://github.com/LjyYano/redis/blob/unstable/src/server.c

struct redisCommand redisCommandTable[] = {
     "admin no-script",

     "read-only fast @string",

     "write fast @string",


其 redisCommand 结构如下:

struct redisCommand {
    char *name;
    redisCommandProc *proc;
    int arity;
    char *sflags;   /* Flags as string representation, one char per flag. */
    uint64_t flags; /* The actual flags, obtained from the 'sflags' field. */
    /* Use a function to determine keys arguments in a command line.
     * Used for Redis Cluster redirect. */
    redisGetKeysProc *getkeys_proc;
    /* What keys should be loaded in background when calling this command? */
    int firstkey; /* The first argument that's a key (0 = no keys) */
    int lastkey;  /* The last argument that's a key */
    int keystep;  /* The step between first and last key */
    long long microseconds, calls, rejected_calls, failed_calls;
    int id;     /* Command ID. This is a progressive ID starting from 0 that
                   is assigned at runtime, and is used in order to check
                   ACLs. A connection is able to execute a given command if
                   the user associated to the connection has this command
                   bit set in the bitmap of allowed commands. */

再回到 processCommand 函数,断当前客户端是否有 CLIENT_MULTI 标记,如果有的话,就表明要处理的是 Redis 事务的相关命令,所以它会按照事务的要求,调用 queueMultiCommand 函数将命令入队保存,等待后续一起处理。而如果没有,processCommand 函数就会调用 call 函数来实际执行命令了。

if (c->flags & CLIENT_MULTI &&
    c->cmd->proc != execCommand && c->cmd->proc != discardCommand &&
    c->cmd->proc != multiCommand && c->cmd->proc != watchCommand &&
    c->cmd->proc != resetCommand)
    // 将命令入队保存,后续一起处理
} else {
    // 调用 call 函数执行命令

下面以最简单的 get 命令为例:

    "read-only fast @string",

对应的实现函数是 getCommand,其调用了 getGenericCommand 函数:

void getCommand(client *c) {

int getGenericCommand(client *c) {
    robj *o;

    if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],shared.null[c->resp])) == NULL)
        return C_OK;

    if (checkType(c,o,OBJ_STRING)) {
        return C_ERR;

    return C_OK;

其最终会调用到 db.c 文件中的 lookupKeyReadWithFlags 函数:

robj *lookupKeyReadWithFlags(redisDb *db, robj *key, int flags) {
    robj *val;

    if (expireIfNeeded(db,key) == 1) {
        /* If we are in the context of a master, expireIfNeeded() returns 1
         * when the key is no longer valid, so we can return NULL ASAP. */
        if (server.masterhost == NULL)
            goto keymiss;

        /* However if we are in the context of a slave, expireIfNeeded() will
         * not really try to expire the key, it only returns information
         * about the "logical" status of the key: key expiring is up to the
         * master in order to have a consistent view of master's data set.
         * However, if the command caller is not the master, and as additional
         * safety measure, the command invoked is a read-only command, we can
         * safely return NULL here, and provide a more consistent behavior
         * to clients accessing expired values in a read-only fashion, that
         * will say the key as non existing.
         * Notably this covers GETs when slaves are used to scale reads. */
        if (server.current_client &&
            server.current_client != server.master &&
            server.current_client->cmd &&
            server.current_client->cmd->flags & CMD_READONLY)
            goto keymiss;
    val = lookupKey(db,key,flags);
    if (val == NULL)
        goto keymiss;
    return val;

    if (!(flags & LOOKUP_NONOTIFY)) {
        notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_KEY_MISS, "keymiss", key, db->id);
    return NULL;

会调用到 lookupKey 函数:

robj *lookupKey(redisDb *db, robj *key, int flags) {
    dictEntry *de = dictFind(db->dict,key->ptr);
    if (de) {
        robj *val = dictGetVal(de);

        /* Update the access time for the ageing algorithm.
         * Don't do it if we have a saving child, as this will trigger
         * a copy on write madness. */
        if (!hasActiveChildProcess() && !(flags & LOOKUP_NOTOUCH)){
            if (server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU) {
            } else {
                val->lru = LRU_CLOCK();
        return val;
    } else {
        return NULL;


addReply 函数,主要是调用 prepareClientToWrite 函数,进而调用到 clientInstallWriteHandler 函数,将待写回客户端加入到全局变量 server 的 clients_pending_write 列表。最终调用 _addReplyToBuffer 函数,将要返回的结果添加到客户端的输出缓冲区。

/* Add the object 'obj' string representation to the client output buffer. */
void addReply(client *c, robj *obj) {
    if (prepareClientToWrite(c) != C_OK) return;

    if (sdsEncodedObject(obj)) {
        if (_addReplyToBuffer(c,obj->ptr,sdslen(obj->ptr)) != C_OK)
    } else if (obj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
        /* For integer encoded strings we just convert it into a string
         * using our optimized function, and attach the resulting string
         * to the output buffer. */
        char buf[32];
        size_t len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),(long)obj->ptr);
        if (_addReplyToBuffer(c,buf,len) != C_OK)
    } else {
        serverPanic("Wrong obj->encoding in addReply()");




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